Michael Erhardt of ICBA Securities to Present \”The Changing Landscape of Liquidity\”

Liquidity is a key concern among financial institutions and regulators.  Loan growth is outpacing deposit growth while non-core funding is becoming a larger percentage of total assets.  Competition for deposits is fierce as the largest banks search for high-quality, LCR-compliant retail deposits and the increase in short-term rates has spurred growth at the online banks offering more attractive yields.  During this session, Michael will discuss “best practices” for liquidity risk management, regulatory expectations, and contingency funding strategies to help community banks supplement core deposit growth.  

Michael Erhardt is a Senior Vice President in the Investment Strategies Group for ICBA Securities. He works closely with financial institutions on balance sheet and investment portfolio strategies, liquidity management, evaluation of asset/liability exposure, and liability and loan pricing. Michael has over 18 years of experience with financial institutions, including serving as Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer for Paragon National Bank from 2004 until 2011.  Prior to joining Paragon, Michael was employed by Enterprise National Bank from 1994 until 2004. He holds a Bachelor and Master of Accountancy degree from the University of Mississippi. He is a certified public accountant and a graduate of Louisiana State University’s Graduate School of Banking.

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