Megan Olson, ICBSD President and CEO

When it comes to community, our bankers’ interest rates never vary!


Traditionally September marks the familiar transition from summer to fall, and the welcomed start of another routine school year allowing families to settle back into their normal routines. This September, things are definitely looking different as we all attempt to understand what our new “normal” looks like. Though these times of uncertainty are stressful, I remain optimistic about what is to come and the bright future of independent community banking.

Historically, South Dakota’s independent community banks are no stranger to challenging times. From the Great Depression to the farming crisis of the 1980’s our community banks have witnessed and survived some of the most challenging times our nation has ever seen. Through these challenging times independent banks have served, supported and guided their communities; they have helped their communities navigate uncharted waters and come out stronger than ever before.

The longevity and resiliency of our community banks exists because of the interdependent relationship between a community bank and the community it serves. in order for a community bank to be successful, the community it serves must be successful too. When it comes to community, our bankers’ interest rates never vary! When times turned tough, South Dakotans turned to their trusted community banker for help.

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, I have witnessed the many ways in which our bank members and associate members are innovating in order to continue the interdependent relationship between their banks and their communities. From deploying new technology within the bank, updating online platforms, to meeting with customers at the local park while social distancing, our members are thinking outside the box to ensure their customers’ needs are met. Times are tough, but the community bank model is built for resiliency. In the end, this mentality and innovation will make our communities stronger than they were before!
