[vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”Introducing Level Up: ICBSD’s Professional Leadership & Development Program” google_fonts=”font_family:Montserrat%3Aregular%2C700|font_style:700%20bold%20regular%3A700%3Anormal”][vc_column_text]
This spring ICBSD was fortunate to have the opportunity to work with ICBA and Philip Smith of The Smith Gerrish &Tuck Law Firm to create a new strategic plan to help guide us as we serve you and your bank. During this session, we revised our mission statement which is now “to empower independent community banks”!
As we look ahead to 2023 and beyond, one way the ICBSD will empower independent community banks is through the launch of a new program called “Level Up”. This program is designed to help shape young bankers in your organization by equipping them with the leadership and professional development they’ll need to serve as the future leaders of South Dakota’s independent community banks. This one-of-a-kind learning experience will have an immediate, positive impact on attendees and the banks that sponsor them. Level Up will begin in January of 2023 and will feature a series of six sessions. Each session has been designed for future bank leaders who are motivated and eager to reach their full potential.
At the conclusion of the program, participants will be poised to contribute significantly to the bank’s future, as well as contribute positively to the bank’s work environment by building and maintaining influential relationships with employees and supervisors.
The cost to enroll is $350 per participant (from an ICBSD member bank). Class size is limited to 20 participants. Level Up will only be offered in year’s ending in an odd number. For more information and to register visit: ICBSD. COM/LEVEL-UP. Along with the six in person training sessions, participants will receive: DISC personality assessment, professional head shots, registration to ICBSD’s annual Black Hills Retreat for graduation as well as all meals, refreshments, and activities during the sessions.
Session 1: JANUARY 2023
Location: Watertown
GETTING PERSONAL -Participants will take a deep dive into their strengths and habits, and learn how both affect teamwork. This session will also
help participants understand the power of projecting a professional brand for themselves and their bank.
Session 2: FEBRUARY 2023
Location: Pierre
THE POWER OF INFLUENCE: LOBBYING 101 – Understand how to become an effective lobbyist for your community bank both at a state and federal level. Participants will also get a behind the scenes look at state government and an opportunity to better understand community banking in South Dakota.
Session 3: March 2023
Location: TBD
HIGH IMPACT PRESENTATIONS – Learn and practice key elements of effective presentations: communication, content, and delivery along with tips and tricks to make your next presentation a breeze.
Session 4: APRIL 2023
Location: TBD
THE CHALLENGE OF LEADING – This session will help participants navigate obstacles many leaders face: managing multiple generations, inspiring a team and living up to one’s full leadership potential.
Session 5: MAY 2023
Location : TBD
THE POWER OF COMMUNICATION – Get ready to become a master communicator! Learn to navigate communication barriers, understand proper communication in a professional setting and learn to effectively connect with multiple generations within your organization.
Session 6: JUNE 2023
Location: TBD
FLEXIBILITY IN LEADERSHIP – During our final session you’ll refine your skills to push you and your team to maximum potential! The culmination of your 6 months of hard work!
JULY 27-29, 2023
Location: Spearfish Canyon Lodge
GRADUATION – Each participant and their family (yes, kids too!) is invited to take part in a special graduation reception as part of ICBSD’s annual Black Hills Retreat
To learn more and to enroll visit ICBSD.com/level-up.